Lesson Plan

Every great lesson begins with a lesson plan. Our lesson plans are designed to cover the most essential components of music learning. During the lesson students will learn to read and play music. They will complete activities through singing, analyzing, improvising, and performing music. Most importantly, our lesson plans are design to inspire student creativity.

Home Practice

The key to all learning success comes with practice. Years of research have shown that students fall in love with music through consistent and constructive homework practice. The research also shows that students do not quit music because of too much practice, but rather from lack of practice.

Learning Tools

We’ve gathered all the learning tools and resources to help you enhance your natural musical talent. Navigate to Student Support page to find helpful links to some of the latest music online tools, theory apps and games. Read about our music teaching philosophy on our Program Resources page and meet some of our featured teachers on Our Teachers page, then, go to About Us page to learn more, write us an email, or schedule a virtual consultation.

Lesson Time

Whether in private or group setting, online or in person, our music lessons will provide you with the most immersive music experience yet. We offer you concise, engaging, and comprehensive music lessons. During our lessons we will be sure to use every bit of time to explore with you the most important music components such as music theory, listening, music reading, performance, technique, and performance.